Harry- 500 Media Essay By Oshane


What I have learnt over the past month in Media?

Over the past month in media we have learnt about the purpose of music videos, the 3 key stages of media production, Genre and its purpose and the 2 sub categories that target audiences can be split into and last but not least the 3 alternatives for the word ‘sector’.

The purpose of music videos is straightforward; literally to make revenue. It’s also used really to paint a picture of the message that the artist is trying to communicate. They’re also very popular because the views are found mostly in music videos rather than audios -  this is evident on YouTube.

There are technical aspects of music videos. This consists of five areas; Mise-en-scene (singing e.g. props, vehicle and setting), Editing, Camera, Sound and Special Effects.

The three key stages of Media Production are Pre-Production, Production and Post-Production. Pre-Production involves gathering the necessary equipment/artists to aid the production of the specific media. The production involves going through the process of creating the media product. Lastly, the Post-Production is disseminating the media product; posting on major platforms etc.

Genre ties in with all types of media but we’ve recently been drawing connections between Genre & Music videos. Genre possesses characteristics such as iconography, hybrids, subgenres, intertextuality, crossover genre and gaze. The purpose of genre is to easily categorize the product essentially.

Iconography (as scary as the word looks) is simple to understand; things to associate with a particular genre i.e. with Horror an iconography would be Knives, a Masked Killer and maybe Ominous Music. Hybrids are a mix of genres so if a movie is a rom-com it’s a hybrid because it’s a mix between romance and comedy. Sub-genres are genres that fall under another genre because of the similar characteristics; thriller is an example of a subgenre because normally in a thriller movie it commences with a killing seen, ‘usually’. Now a killing/murder is a key feature in Horror.

Intertextuality can be used in music videos. Intertextuality is a reference (sometimes subtle) of a media product in any given form of media. An example of this is Tory Lanez’ song ‘Proud Family’; the song opens with the theme song for the USA animated sitcom series ‘Proud Family’. This in theory creates nostalgia for the audience or even just makes the media product relate to the audience; known as Audience Gratification. It also makes more money when intertextuality is included – If a media product was created and you could relate to it, doesn’t it seem more interesting and make you want more of it?

The two types of research are quantitative and qualitative. Quantitative research consists of closed questions with means that what the audience can offer is restricted. Playing the game of opposite’s means that Qualitative research is when the audience has an unlimited chance in terms of what they can offer which means it’s not restricted. An example of this are closed/structured questions and open questions in an interview.



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