Task 1- Analytical Approaches to Film & Task 2 - Film in Theory


Genre Analysis - This is the careful analysis of any given form of media; Music, Gaming, Movies etc., searching for what a particular genre would contain and determining from that. So if one was to analyse a movie genre of Horror then iconographies such as: killing, opening murder scene, masked killer, ominous backing track etc. would be the things  to look out for to analyse in order to brand the genre as a Horror.

Content Analysis - This is a research method purposed to study communication artefacts (objects that provide/express information about a people or individuals) and documents, which can appear in many forms: video, pictures audio etc. Content analysis is utilised also in Social Sciences to survey patterns/similarities across different communication through systems. This could be through surveys, questionnaires, structured interviews etc.

Narrative Analysis - This is a form of qualitative research. (scientific method of observation to compose data not of a numerical nature. This refers to the meanings, definition, characteristics etc. of things or someone) This is when the researcher listens to the stories of the subjects, in an attempt to ascertain the connections between the experiences of the individuals and their social structures.

Reception Study - Reception study is usually referred to as Audience Reception in the analysis of communications models.

Fan Study -


Structuralism - This theory is a way to interpret and analyse the cognition of humans; behaviour/mannerisms, culture etc. It's believed that the best way to do this is to look at the relationship between humans.

Semiotics -  This is the study of signs, symbols and their use of interpretation.

Auteur Theory - This is the theory that states the director should be revered as the official author of the product, rather than writer of screenplay. This can be linked back to the Director Quentin Tarantino, for one of his most famous films 'Django Unchained'. He should be paid homage and highly noticed  for his work because it really captures the socio-economic struggle that the 'African' encountered; this left quite the vivid image...

Feminism - This is the theory that states that women should be susceptible to the same opportunities and treated equally to other sexes. This comes from the harsh fact that women were seen as inferior to males not too long ago, so this theory/movement pushes to keep that counter-productive mentality abolished. 

Queer Theory - This is the theory that supports the idea of being 'sexually liberated'; replaces traditional views with a 'new' perspective. An example of this is the LGBTQ movement. The purpose of this is to raise awareness of the idea that people are able to identify themselves with whatever they choose. 

Marxism - This is the theory that states that capitalism can only thrive off of the 'proletariat' (working class). The labourers basically have no say in the grand scheme of things because they work to sustain capitalism; the upper class monopolise things that the working class continue to give value to. Marxism can be applied to today's life nonetheless the inception of the theory in the 19th Century. 

We see it in effect especially in high-end business, the owners (capitalists) might not possess as much knowledge as the workers, (potentially academic drop-outs) so therefore, those who work to get an education and go on make the turkey for the bosses to bring home, do the leg work which means they are needed for capitalism to thrive.

Psychoanalytic - This theory seeks to uncover the connection between the elements of the conscious, subconscious and unconscious in the human mind. This theory also speaks of the human personality which is constituted of the 3 elementary fixes of the human mind; id, ego and superego. An example of these 3 structures in motion can be related to the 3 characters from the 1954 Nobel winning prize novel; Lord of The Flies... 

Before exploring how the characters fit into these 3 categories, we need to deconstruct what they are primarily. The id represents the primitive, savage nature of humans that lie somewhere deep within them. This can be related to Roger because he causes the most havoc on the island (which they are stranded on along with a group of other boys) and belongs to a group called the 'choir'. He ends up killing someone (the character I will next speak about...

The next character is Piggy, he doesn't fit in because he's illiterate, financially challenged and a bit overweight. However, Piggy represents the superego because he represents morality, reasoning, which is what the superego basically is a representative of. This is the character that Roger kills, by pushing a boulder off of a cliff and killing Piggy. This, we can now infer that the boulder as a heavy object killing Piggy leaving him helpless; the id takes over the superego without hesitation and almost instant, in other words the thought to do wrong will overtake the thought to do right.

The last character is Ralph, the ego.

The two movies I have reviewed are 'Toy Story' and 'Django Unchained'. The genre for 'Toy Story' falls to Adventure and Animation. The genre for 'Django Unchained' falls to Thriller and Drama. The director for 'Toy Story' is John Lasseter, and the director for 'Django Unchained' is Quentin Tarantino. The audience for Toy Story is probably going to be 5-15 year olds because it's an animated film with a child-like nature which is automatically aimed at kids but the odd teenager 'here and there' may enjoy animations. The audience for Django Unchained would be 18+ because the content is composed of extreme violence, profanity and gore etc.


  1. The last time that you did any work was back in September, its November!

  2. The last time that you did any work was back in September, its November!


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